Helena Hall

VE Day in Lindfield (notes from Helena Hall's diaries)

Helena Hall a resident of Lindfield, kept a journal throughout the Second World War. To mark VE Day, the following has been taken from the final entries in the journal.

May 8th - Today is V Day. The news came through yesterday evening and Tuesday and Wednesday are holidays. At 3 o’clock this afternoon an official announcement will be broadcast by the Prime Minister – Victory in Europe Day. The King will broadcast at 9 this evening. All over the world the report of the German surrender was celebrated yesterday. Londoners could not wait for today, they crowded joyfully Buckingham Palace and Piccadilly Circus and all other big places. The lights made London look as if it were in flames. More than 100 planes roared over London in daylight, every kind from Spitfire to Fortress. Boys and girls are happily building a bonfire on the Common, they began yesterday evening. I went to the Avis’ to hear the Premier’s speech at 3 o’clock. He said Germans surrendered on Monday the 7th to the Allies at Rheims.

May 9th - Yesterday was a tremendous day in London and 8 times during the day the King and Queen appeared on the Palace balcony to acknowledge the cheering crowds. The last time was just before midnight just as searchlights flashed across the sky and bombers dropped flares and coloured lights. About 11 the two Princesses with Guards officers left the Palace quietly and mingled with the crowd when their parents made their last appearance. The King spoke at 9 o’clock in the evening and again I enjoyed listening to him. After thanking God and then everybody, Services personnel and civilians alike for their war-time efforts he said the years of darkness and danger are now ‘please God, over for ever’. On the balcony of the Ministry of Health building in Whitehall the Prime Minister conducted the thousands of people below in singing ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, a tremendous climax to a day the like of which London has never seen before. He spoke to them as a friend ‘This is your victory’ and after cheerful speaking and cheering replies, he gave the V sign and the crowd burst into ‘For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow’. Waving his hat he left the balcony. Another wonderful thing was light everywhere. A procession of flaming torches came along from Pondcroft Road, and the Common to the bonfire, which was lighted about 9.30. A very large swastika and an effigy of Hitler in an old armchair were thrown on to the blaze. It was a perfect night for a bonfire and fireworks, fine and no wind. All the village was about and singing around it went on till midnight. The Church was full. The collection was for the Fund for repairing, in some cases rebuilding, bombed churches. Officially hostilities ended at 1 minute after midnight, but in the interest of saving lives, the ceasefire began yesterday all along the Front. The Channel Islands are also to be freed today. Weather forecasts are given in the papers today for the first time since September 1st 1939. No papers will be published tomorrow.

It is impossible to give enough thanks to God for our great deliverance. Not until the war of Japan is over shall we have all our men home again. I pray that will not be a long war.

Helena Hall, Blue Gate, Lindfield.

Extract by the editors Linda Grace and Margaret Nicolle from A Woman Living in the Shadow of the Second World War; Helena Hall's Journal from the Home Front.

Does anyone have any photos of the 1945 celebrations in Lindfield tucked away in old albums?  The editors would love to see them... email to editor@lindfieldlife.co.uk

War yesterday: Coronavirus today (a look back at notes from history)

An ARP warden during WWII (believed to be Helena Hall) in gas protection outfit (PPE)

By Margaret Nicolle

It is revealing that the language being used to fight the current battle against the coronavirus outbreak is stirring memories of the same call to arms as during the war. A new enemy is facing us, called by the Prime Minister ‘a physical assailant’ but just as challenging because of its invisibility. Emmanuel Macron has stated ‘we are at war’; antibodies are ‘fighting’ the virus; the Queen’s Speech referred to ‘evacuees’. There have been even more direct references for example to the spirit of Dunkirk; a policeman has been called a Nazi; slogans such as Keep Calm and Pick for Britain remind us of wartime Britain.

These remarks have led me to look at parallels from Helena Hall’s Journal of the Second World War


July 12th 1940
I went to Brighton today and was told that in all the streets near the sea, curfew is enforced at 9.30 the time altering with sunset time…sentries go along the streets to see that they are clear. No one is allowed on the beach – guns and forts abound.

August 8th 1942
People caught trying to visit Brighton are to get heavier penalties. Seven people were fined from £1 to £3 but the full fines are £100 or 3 months imprisonment.

August 5th 1940
The leaflet “Stay where you are” was in the letter box this morning. Copies are being delivered by the postmen to every house in the country.


October 15th 1940
These day raids are annoying, no doubt partly designed for that purpose. I prefer the night raids when I am not hindered in the ordinary day’s work of shopping, cooking, fireplaces, Jock’s meals etc….

Voluntary help

March 6th 1941
This morning because three helpers were ill, I went to the Hall to help with the children’s dinners which they have in the corridor. There were 70 to 80 children, all evacuated and they have a good dinner. Today it was minced meat, pease pudding, cabbage and mashed potatoes and a milky rice pudding.

Food shortages and the black market

March 19th 1942
Public barter has taken place in the Channel Islands where food is scarce. Guernsey newspapers contain such advertisements as ‘apples for paraffin’, ‘canaries, all colours for rabbits’ ‘cigarettes for a fur coat’ ‘eggs for golden syrup’. A Jersey message says ‘Conditions bearable, food scarcity.’

For stealing coupons from the GPO stores where he worked sentence of 3 years penal servitude was passed on Webb and the same time for Raphman for receiving them. Far too much ‘black marketing’ goes on with stolen coupons and the sentences get more severe.

January 13th 1943
At his weekly food conference Lord Woolton said yesterday bread would continue unrationed if the public co-operated. He wants potatoes used more than bread and the wheat stock to be conserved by using home grown potatoes. He appeals to the women of Britain to use potato dishes whenever they can.


Helena pasted into her journal many relevant cartoons taken from newspapers. Today  the restrictions on our lives give rise to a proliferation of such comment often as video clips.

BUT there were differences too. The social life of Lindfield continued.  Helena went round to a neighbour’s house to listen to important news. She made trips to London to visit the National Gallery where special exhibitions to boost morale took place. Churches remained open although bells were not rung.

Copies of A Woman living in the Shadow of the Second World War, Helena Hall’s Journal from the Home Front edited by Linda Grace and Margaret Nicolle can be obtained by phoning 0144448268 or e-mailing margaretnicolle@outlook.com or lagrace15@hotmail.com