local recycling policy

Stamp out litter and recycle to keep Lindfield tidy


Lindfield Parish Council is pleased to be working alongside Colin McFarlin to help keep Lindfield tidy. Colin McFarlin is a volunteer Waste Prevention Advisor with West Sussex County Council. You may also have seen his regular monthly column in Lindfield Life.

Lindfield is fortunate to have an excellent selection of coffee shops that offer takeaway drinks. We are keen for residents and visitors to support these businesses. If you do buy a takeaway coffee, please help keep the village tidy:

1) Take your waste home and recycle it. Did you know that if you put your used coffee cup in the litter bins around Lindfield, then it cannot be recycled? If you take it home, clean and dry, you can then recycle in your kerbside blue top recycling bin. The lid as well!

Are you going to create rubbish or recycle?

2) Ask the retailer if they can recycle the takeaway coffee cup once it has been used. For example, Lindfield Coffee Works are running a scheme for their customers where you can return your used coffee cup to be recycled. More information on this scheme can be found on page 14 of last month’s issue of Lindfield Life.

3) If you cannot take your waste home or return it to where you purchased it from, then please squash it before placing it in the litter bin.

Stamp out litter. This is the message we will be promoting throughout Lindfield. We will be working with volunteer groups, such as Love Lindfield (www.facebook.com/lovelindfield), to Keep Lindfield Tidy. We have also approached local businesses and look forward to working together with them on this issue.

Remember think before you throw. Waste costs whereas recycling earns. Once something goes in the rubbish bin there is a cost attached to collecting and disposing of it. Over a year, a typical household wastes 59kg of recycling by putting it in the wrong bin. Recycling saves money that could be spent on other public services. For more information see: www.thinkbeforeyouthrow.co.uk

Mid Sussex District Council are responsible for the collection of waste in Mid Sussex, including all public litter bins. Mid Sussex District Council owns the bins on Lindfield Common & Hickmans Lane playground. Lindfield Parish Council provides bins in other areas within the village. More information on waste and recycling in West Sussex Can be found at: www.westsussex.gov.uk/land-waste-and-housing/waste-and-recycling/recycling-and-waste-prevention-in-west-sussex/

If you have a question for Colin on our campaign, or would like to be involved, please email: climate@lindfieldparishcouncil.gov.uk

Yes, you can recycle takeaway coffee cups in West Sussex

WSCC Recycling Ambassador Colin McFarlin sheds some light on what can and can’t be recycled in our domestic blue bins. If you have a question for him, email: editor @lindfieldlife.co.uk

Thank you for sending in your specific questions on recycling. Here are two you have asked about that I have picked out. Keep them coming ….

YES to Pringle Tubes and lids. These can be recycled. Separate the plastic top from the cardboard tube. Do not worry about the metal base as our clever machinery can separate these.

You CAN recycle Costa/Starbucks coffee cups in Blue recycling bins

You CAN recycle Costa/Starbucks coffee cups in Blue recycling bins

What about Ben & Jerry’s pots and coffee cups?

We are fortunate in West Sussex to have state of the art machinery that CAN recycle ALL of these, and the plastic lids. YES we can recycle coffee cups in your blue top recycling bin.

We can recycle everything – except the coffee! The lids are big enough not to contaminate the glass. (see last month).

Would you like me to give a talk to your local group on recycling? There is no charge for this service. Would you be interested in collecting items that can be recycled to raise funds for your favourite charity? I will be happy to guide you through this process. Look forward to hearing from you.